by caroc | May 18, 2022 | artist as a business, audio/visual, delia derbyshire, new music commissions
I am a creative electronic music artist who loves working with found sounds (non- musical objects from a ping pong ball to oven shelves via climbing gear) to make my music. I discovered the delicious sounds of Coolicon lampshades thanks to the late great electronic...
by caroc | Jan 23, 2014 | artist as a business, Education work
I really am thankful nigh on everyday for being able to do more so free of yesteryear’s draining pain. O the joy for lucky me. And this year already has some right fun creative music projects in store. DD DAY 2014 After the shimmering success of Delia Derbyshire...
by caroc | Sep 26, 2013 | artist as a business, Education work
After the inspiring journey that led to Delia Derbyshire Day in MCR in Jan 2013, I am rather stoked to be about to deliver a pilot electronic music and music technology course of workshops based around the work and archive of the late great electronic music pioneer...
by caroc | Jul 9, 2011 | artist as a business, random
Tweet OK I may not be talking millions here. But small amounts of revenue can be accrued by the most lightly active and independent musicians. If you perform gigs at live music venues, release and sell your own music or get play on the more random or niche radio shows...
by caroc | Apr 21, 2011 | artist as a business, interviews, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Tweet Amidst the long overdue spinal surgery and it’s o so gently does it recuperation, it was nice to be asked to be Featured Artist of this month for Manchester-based arts organisation Full Circle Arts. We talked of plans for this year – which are now...
by caroc | Dec 22, 2010 | artist as a business, interviews, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Tweet Promise, last bit of me, me, me for one year…Right then, thanks to the committed team at Emms Publicity and my own urge to communicate my truth of the sonic kind, we have a variety of properly engaging interviewers probing into the galaxy that is the...
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