by caroc | Sep 20, 2018 | Delia Derbyshire Day, Education work, interviews
Thanks to Anti-Type Films for this interview about how I got into the wonderful sphere of (electronic) music, why I do it, teaching electronic music and my work with electronic music charity, Delia Derbyshire Day. Check out the Deliaphonic youtube channel for more...
by caroc | Apr 21, 2011 | artist as a business, interviews, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Tweet Amidst the long overdue spinal surgery and it’s o so gently does it recuperation, it was nice to be asked to be Featured Artist of this month for Manchester-based arts organisation Full Circle Arts. We talked of plans for this year – which are now...
by caroc | Dec 22, 2010 | artist as a business, interviews, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Tweet Promise, last bit of me, me, me for one year…Right then, thanks to the committed team at Emms Publicity and my own urge to communicate my truth of the sonic kind, we have a variety of properly engaging interviewers probing into the galaxy that is the...
by caroc | Oct 9, 2010 | audio/visual, compilations, interviews, soundtracks/music for image, til you're no longer blinkered album production
gosh, time doesn’t fly when you’re laptop is being resuscitated. no more time to dilly dally my dear readers, new album unleash landmarks are only getting closer. naturally, scary and exciting for me – hopefully vaguely titillating for thee. Though...
by caroc | Jun 29, 2010 | audio/visual, interviews, random
Delias darlings by carosnatch I thoroughly enjoyed compiling this little project after coming up with the idea via the female:pressure email network mailing actions. Women who make electronic music and are part of this electronic arts network, submitted a short piece...
by caroc | Feb 17, 2010 | interviews, musings on music by others, studio engineering
Having absorbed and enjoyed the new album ‘Silence’ from Robert Henke as Monolake, he was obliging enough to satiate my curiousity about his commitment to produce this album employing absolutely no compression. Now, it seems compression is considered by...
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