by caroc | Jun 8, 2010 | studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
I feel like sharing a few tips and tricks regarding getting that superstar, it sounds like a record, vocal production. A recent conversation with Chris at Blacklisted Mastering – who is currently doing a very pleasing mid-side job on my new album –...
by caroc | Jun 2, 2010 | studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
My revolutionary new album “til you’re no longer blinkered” was going to be credited by ‘caro snatch and a score of good eggs’ but wise advice from one of them good eggs has swayed me to return to the clearer caro snatch moniker.. So,...
by caroc | May 5, 2010 | studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
So, next up, track 3 & 4 of “til you’re no longer blinkered” (and you may have had every right to be) by ‘caro snatch and a score of good eggs’ are tracks that have been previously released on EPs but whose themes fitted into this...
by caroc | Apr 19, 2010 | contact theatre artist residency, studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
So my new album “til you’re no longer blinkered” was going to be credited by ‘caro snatch and a dozen good eggs’ but looking at the list of contributors this will have to be amended. I think i’m gonna go for ‘caro snatch and a...
by caroc | Mar 14, 2010 | studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Sincere apologies if you were actually interested and would have liked me to have continued to recount the studio recording journey beyond the first track (as i did so lovingly here). i just got too engrossed in actually doing it. often forgot camera too…I will...
by caroc | Mar 2, 2010 | musings on music by others, random, studio engineering
i have happened across a couple of unappreciative reviews of Queen of Smooth’s new lead single from new album ‘Soldier of Love’. A Guardian review concluded the track was lame and dull with not much happening (from what i recall). Yet i was struck by...
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