by caroc | Dec 22, 2010 | artist as a business, interviews, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Tweet Promise, last bit of me, me, me for one year…Right then, thanks to the committed team at Emms Publicity and my own urge to communicate my truth of the sonic kind, we have a variety of properly engaging interviewers probing into the galaxy that is the...
by caroc | Apr 6, 2010 | artist as a business, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Ok, so i have jumped on the bandswagons and put in a bid for the manufacturing and marketing of “til you’re no longer blinkered”. Was just in the outdoor pool (at my gym) and thinking i only need three grand or so of investment to get this labour of...
by caroc | Jan 20, 2010 | artist as a business, random
…experimental electronica and all that un-razzmatazz just don’t stoke the fires in the eyes i know. so i sometimes turn to laurie anderson/bjork comparatives and feel i am cheating myself of my own approach and intention as well as sounding like i trying...
by caroc | Jan 19, 2010 | artist as a business, live shows, random
Magic Moments and the power of doing it right live… Came across an interview with Tom Jackson in CD baby podcast #043. It is his livelihood but he got me thinking on the special set of ingredients that bake or fry a magic performance. Being good live is another...
by caroc | Aug 24, 2009 | artist as a business, random
all the eternal questions of what to do, how to do it and other question word quandries are well covered by CD baby honcho Derek Sivers. i find his blog useful, inspiring and realistic for an independent one doing most of it yerself. here’s the link: Derek...
by caroc | Jun 5, 2009 | artist as a business, conferences, interviews, random
i was invited to sit on the panel for this year’s, the second Unconvention music convention here in Salford and wasn’t sure i’d have much to offer. But it was in fact very engaging and self affirming as I was one of 6 artists/label maker who were all...
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