by caroc | Feb 17, 2010 | interviews, musings on music by others, studio engineering
Having absorbed and enjoyed the new album ‘Silence’ from Robert Henke as Monolake, he was obliging enough to satiate my curiousity about his commitment to produce this album employing absolutely no compression. Now, it seems compression is considered by...
by caroc | Nov 16, 2009 | random, studio engineering
very pleasantly surprised to get news through from the clever and creative Mr Monolake of his new album. His statement “The music on this album has not been compressed, limited or maximized at any production stage” sparked my imagination. Not even in the...
by caroc | Nov 12, 2009 | audio/visual, remixes, studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production, Uncategorized
Think my remix for one of Newcastle’s top leading lady Beccy Owen is pretty much done tho not yet dusted. And I am rather relieved and a tad overjoyed that it pleases her. She kindly sent me a copy of the album and invited me to choose a track to play with and...
by caroc | Nov 6, 2009 | conferences, random, studio engineering
2 inspiring TED talks related to sound/music. The wonderful Evelyn Glennie purports an argument which makes alot of sense to me as a ‘feeling more than hearing’ musician. Alongside Rupert Neve’s current research on how we hear beyond the prescribed...
by caroc | Sep 4, 2009 | audio/visual, studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production, Uncategorized
wow had a pleasing realisation – my latest spell of horizontal incarceration has led to me nearly completing the mixing of 3-5 trax of the album! Plan it (expanding Jupiter visit) has been greatly enriched by Andy Hodson live drummer-ing – some lovely...
by caroc | Aug 9, 2009 | audio/visual, studio engineering, til you're no longer blinkered album production
Storming ahead with album construction, it was the turn of the shipwreck being hulked to the surface and dragged to the sunny harboured yard for restoration track. The beats are mainly courtesy of the Contact residency collected samples. Bassline from the ole Korg and...
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