by caroc | Jul 18, 2022 | interviews, podcast
It was a joy to talk with Chiara Luzzana for the Sound On Sound electronic music podcast. We talked about her career so far, now specialising in making music for brands using the sounds of their products. Right up my sonic street what with my love of turning everyday...
by caroc | May 18, 2022 | artist as a business, audio/visual, delia derbyshire, new music commissions
I am a creative electronic music artist who loves working with found sounds (non- musical objects from a ping pong ball to oven shelves via climbing gear) to make my music. I discovered the delicious sounds of Coolicon lampshades thanks to the late great electronic...
by caroc | May 4, 2022 | audio/visual, collaborations, delia derbyshire, new music commissions
Echoes of Invention: Afterlife by Bladder & String ‘Echoes of Inventions” is a wonderful participation arts project by Bladder and String Theatre in Coventry which I have loved working on. It is now a collection of experimental electronic music tracks or...
by caroc | May 1, 2022 | collaborations
I guess I have got to that point in my dedicated electronic music trajectory where I can share my wisdom and knowledge with others and I enjoy doing so with empathy. So many have helped me along my way of creativity and navigating the technical tools of how to realise...
by caroc | Apr 26, 2022 | audio/visual, collaborations, Education work, random
Another wonderful outing with Bladder and String Theatre: to collaboratively produce an interactive sound installation for ‘Echoes of Inventions’ – an audio (voices and music/sound) radio art piece presenting Coventry voices talking about deep...
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