I brought together a collective of artists to present a creative offering at this time, a nourishing balm, a ballast in these unchartered waters of increased uncertainty.

Reform Radio are an internet radio station based here in Manchester, particularly interested in supporting young and grassroots talent.

Everyone who contributed to this show is part of the rich creative community I am part of here in Manchester, UK. Thanks to everyone at Reform for helping make this happen.

Order of play:
1. Caro C live – visual fx by Izzy Bolt
2. Michelle Green – intro, visuals by Andrea Pazos
3. Michelle Green – “All my favourite flowers” poem, visuals by Andrea Pazos
4. Shunya live – visuals by Izzy Bolt
5. Freya Wysocki & Hayley Suviste – I miss video & sound art/vox pop (produced for Whatstick theatre, as part of the ISOLATE project)
6. Michelle Green – “We will wake” poem – binaural sound by Caro C, video by Andrea Pazos
We hope you enjoy. Do support these independent artists in any way you can – follow them online and buy their work if you can 🙂