We are most pleased and relieved that our new live electronic music performance with video/visual accompaniment seems to have been most successful.
The new tracks I performed live – most of them for the first time – are based around the theme of compassion and inter-connectedness – increasingly crucial in our current political predicament I feel. Moving towards living more from the heart than the head. Many people found the performance experience to be “affecting”, emotive and quite a few were moved to tears – in a good way of course. So I guess I communicated from and to the heart as I had intended.
I also wanted to take the audience on a journey, building up some tracks almost from scratch with live looping, mixing and playing using found sounds and non-musical objects such as a pepper shaker and squash balls as a kick drum. And a good few folk reported experiencing this. Many found the visuals intimately supported the music too, so well done Andrea on understanding the music so deeply.
This special performance event took place at the new Madlab space in Salford and was the work/play in progress outcome of a research and development project supported by Arts Council England – a collaboration to expand my creative vision with creative technologist and digital visual artist Andrea Pazos. We set up a cosy large cushioned area, candle-lit tables and suchlike to aid the pleasant and immersive experience. Also enchanting our audience was The Present Occupier – magic music and immaculate harmonies – and DJ team Marquis de Marq and Wondergupta. Thank you all for your most valued contributions to the evening!
Here are a few comments from feedback forms that people actually wanted to write on:
“The music gave me feelings that I could get better with the visuals.”
“Enticing. It envelopes me. I got lost in and with it.”
“Good atmosphere, good vibe, lovely people”
“Enjoyed the music and slow build up. You are onto something here.”
“Moving. Deep. Transcendental. Real. Funny. Sensuous. In the now.”
“Refreshing, different & enlightening – loved the whole sensual experience.”
“Am left feeling calm and centred & hopeful about the human condition – a gift, thank you.”
“Events like this are very important to raise our consciousness.”
Other most helpful feedback was that the tracks could have been longer – not the first time I have received this welcome response. I do have a tendency to feel I have to make the tracks as tight as possible structure-wise when maybe I should let them breathe a bit more.
Myself and Andrea are pleased we seem to have communicated our creative intentions and are now taking a breather to reflect and evaluate how to take the new live show forward – I am now keen to record the tracks which will be a whole new journey.
With much gratitude and hope we will continue to work and play..
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