I know it’s been a bit quiet on the caro snatch blog-front. I have of course been working it on other levels having come through a seemingly successful spinal fusion operation. After half of my life in undiagnosed and apparently untreatable pain..Medical staff cannot believe how little drugs I am ingesting whilst I cannot resist thinking this is nothing after what I’ve lived with. It seems I have been tougher than I allowed myself credit. Ever learning :>
Still rather horizontal and delicate for now as my marvelous vessel works overtime…it’s time to re-kindle the art of not doing.
I am starting to be able to take in information – particularly enjoying the BBC Human Planet series and accompanying Music Planet for travel and stimulation.
Otherwise, it’s time to hone the meditation skills and harness the healing focus I have been accumulating with the assistance of the likes of Breathworks.
As a gift to myself for this newest leg of my journey, I have scripted and and recorded a few hippy happy meditations/visualisations for optimum post-op healing. Upon perusing online, the only visualisations I discovered were such low quality recordings it just wasn’t going to be relaxing for an audio-phile like me. Thus, I made my own. Home-made but signal to noise ratio I hope is bearable and even endearing. I have decided to share some of these that may even develop another caro snatch experimental sideline…
So, here is a 10 minute energy recharge visualisation. You can download and try out at caro snatch soundcloud.
Energy recharge visualisation by carosnatchJust for the record, do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.
don’t you ever cease being so freaking fantastic and talented, i am mouth a-gaping-surprised-that-i-am-surprised. you mad mad beautiful human you. ox