Album contributors role-call almost complete. To conclude the coming to you at some stage sooner “til you’re no longer blinkered” is two remixes that I felt nestled nice and cosy with the album’s self-nurturing theme and lullaby-esque musical mood.

First of the remixes is Newcastle’s ever so graceful and melodic songstress Beccy Owen. Beccy ever so kindly sent me a copy of her “Down with Gravity” album 1) just ‘cos it’s a nice thing to do and 2) in case I fancied doing a remix. Canny.

Beccy Owen- Down with Gravity

Melancholic and minimal track “The Deeps” shone out for me. The pristine voice and sensual piano captivated me straight away, as did the prospect of toying with the her sustained high notes and delicious words therein. And so I did, and thereupon I visited another Toon connection (who has featured on Beccy’s creations) recently landed in Leeds: viola-ist Gayle Hutchinson of Aurora Strings added warm strings to add to my suitably rare but actually quite accessible rendition.

Beccy’s original “The Deeps” can be heard on her Beccy Owen Myspace.

Then comes one of my favourite caro snatch works: “She is her Kink” remix of “She is her King” by Frau Aike. Not sure i can say why, justify such self-examination, but i didn’t half enjoy the textures. Actually I think really liking the minimal, sexy original certainly helped nourish my toying with it.

And there is a feral element injected with the help of a let’s play and experiment recording session whilst at engineering school. With clarinetist and tribal gothic belly dancer Dark Lyza who provides the giggles, growls and polyphonic clarinet tones. And here’s what she did with the track choreography wise (fully fledged filming edit coming soon)..

Album contributors Part 1- A mammoth mountain and a shipwreck

Album contributors Part 2- The Revamps

Album contributors Part 3- A choir in an hour and intuitology